
Al-Madrugada #061 - 02.08.2009

Vangelis - Rachel's Song [Blade Runner]
Existence - Earth [Planetary Healing]
Margot Reisinger - The Joy of Dancing [Light of Asia]
Margot Reisinger - Palace Of The Winds [India]
Margot Reisinger - Crossing Borders [Like A Shot Through The Heart]
Enigma - Callas Went Away [MCMXC a.D.]
Wim Mertens - Kanaries [Strategie de la Rupture]
Didier Squiban - Tri [Ballades]
Didier Squiban - Variations sur Laridé à 6 temps [Molène]
Didier Squiban - Marche des Conscrits du Faouët [Molène]
Enya - Triad [The Celts]
Sarah Brightman - She Doesn't See Him [La Luna]
Existence - Reflection Of Balance [Tibet - Heart, Beat, Meditation]
Margot Reisinger - 3 [Reiki - Healing Light]
Existence - Child of Palestine [Dahmani]
Margot Reisinger - An Ancient Tale [Celtic Sphere]
Margot Reisinger - St. Brighid's Well [Celtic Sphere]
Loreena McKennit - The Mummer's Dance [The Book of Secrets]
Loreena McKennit - Skellig [The Book of Secrets]

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